Nationality Vs Indivisuality

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Edith Eaton argues in her autobiography “Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of an Eurasian” that “individuality is more than nationality” (298) meaning to say that one’s personality or identity holds much more value than their nationality. This statement somewhat holds truth, but can most defiantly be arguable. Individuality and nationality can both be intertwined, nationality can fit into a person’s individuality, and it can define a person as a whole. The narratives discussed in class, “Its Wavering Image” by Edith Eaton and “A Red Girl’s Reasoning” written by Pauline Johnson both explain how nationality and individuality intertwine and complete each other. In Edith Eaton read she writes about how Pan, a Chinese girl, born in a foreign society all her life still manages to respect her native culture and puts it before anything or anyone. Eaton shows that no matter how much you value a person, your religion or culture will always mean more to a person since it defines who you are as a person. The same applies to the short story written by Pauline Johnson “The Red girls’ Reasoning”. In this narrative Johnson tells a story about a young Indian girl, Christie, who is married to a White man named Charlie. In this narrative the readers see that Charlie considers his culture and nationality much more superior to his wife’s but Christie values both the cultures equally because they represent the two individuals. Both of the readings content combined helps to understand how ones nationality strongly fits under their individuality. In Edith Eaton’s piece called “Its Wavering Image” she uses this short narrative to project her real life experience as a half Chinese and half British girl growing up in a Western society and her search to finding her true identity. In this story a young girl named Pan, a half white and half Chinese girl, whose mother had died and so she lived

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