Narrator Voice Essay

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Narrator Voice The narrator voice determines a set of constant features regarding the way through which the story is told to the audience. There are several different ways to communicate your story to an audience or reader depending on what the author chooses. When using narrative voice an author might use first person, first and third person, third person subjective, objective or omniscient to show different ways to tell the story. In the two short stories that were assigned, the narrator displays to readers the thoughts of various characters and offers opinions throughout the story. In the first story, “A Rose for Emily” the author used a narrative voice called the first person narration. “A Rose for Emily” is told by the omniscient point of view. No one is really named, but it is known that the people of Emily’s town are the ones telling the story. This is due to all of the multiple points of view that are explained as one reads. The narrator speaks in the “we” voice and appears to designate the people of the town. The first example of this occurrence happens during the flashback in the second section, when they are speaking of her sweetheart and the narrator incidentally says “the one we believed would marry her” (35). He or she recounts the story of Emily's life as a lonely woman left lonely by her father, who also drove away suitors from his overprotected daughter. The narrator gives his/her point of view on Emily’s entire life constructed by gossip, speculations and legends of the old town they live in. I believe the narrator voice is being compared to living in a small town, when the townspeople spread rumors and opinions of a person’s life as if they really know what is going on behind closed doors. The townspeople might tell stories, divulge secrets and or raise suspicion about a specific character. There is also another theory where the
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