Cleanliness Speech

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y 1 ) The teacher walked into the classroom. It was the first period but my heart was not there when ^ teacher was teaching. My mind was constantly thinking about the delicious doughnuts I planned to buy in the city after school. “Ding Dong...” the school bell rang. It was finally 4.30pm and I quickly walked to the bus stop nearby. I did not want to be trapped in the massive traffic jams. An hour later ,I reached the city safe and sound and I also bought my doughnuts. “Hey!” I yelled. Taken off-guard by the boy’s sudden act, I trailed the puny figure. I found myself on a deserted stretch of road, away from the hustle and bustle of the city behind me. It was almost dusk and bats darted about in the air. Of the few houses that…show more content…
The government should held a campaign about the importance of cleanliness to maintain the cleanliness in every corner of our country. This can make^ citizen in our country pay more attention to the importance of cleanliness. The government should work together with media to having advertisement that about importance of cleanliness. The government may printed the details and importance of cleanliness in newspapers and magazines so that everyone in our country can read it. Last but not least,^ responsibilities of parents is also important. This is because parents is the role model towards their children. Parents must always take care for the cleanliness so that their children will influence by them. Parents should also teach their children must be moral person since they were born. This is because people having strong base of moral since their childhood so that they will not become a catastrophe person towards our cleanliness environment. Due to the decline of cleanliness nowadays, the goverment has the obligation to find remedy but to no avail. Perhaps the need to bringing back the law in future is necessary. However, only time will tell. E…show more content…
I daresay hat many of our elders still remember vividly the terror brought on by the economic slump of the 20th century, where small scale businesses collapsed and large ones floundered for air. The lesson is that, should our country go through the inevitable lean times, you an and will have a financial safety net to break your fall. Take action and start saving today, for there is no time to waste. Malaysia’s stability is largely influenced by the intake of oil royalties, which are taxes on petroleum companies. Granted that Malaysia still has a large supply of oil but once that is used up, Malaysia will no longer possess the stability of the old days, I kid you

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