Nanotechnology Essay

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Nanotechnology Nanomaterials are extremely small. The use and control of this tiny mater is called nanotechnology and the tiny matter is refereed to as nanoparticals. Nanoparticals are measured in nanometres(nm) and they can be between 1 - 100 nanometres across. They are very tiny and cannot be seen, even through a microscope. Nanotechnology is the branch of technology dealing with making and the use of nanoparticals. Nanoparticals occur naturally, for example in volcanic ash. Some occur by accident, through combustion of fuels but many are made by design. Nanoparticals of a material show different properties compared to larger particles of the same material. They get the different properties because they have a larger surface area-to-volume ration, this makes them super useful when making things like sporting and medical equipment. On a larger scale, surfaces of larger materials appear to be weak however on nanoscale they are very strong. Working with nanoparticals is called nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is about making, manipulating and measuring extremely tiny things. Some of the structures that are dealt with in nanotechnology are as only as big as some molecules, so nanotechnology involves understanding how to control matter on a very small scale. Most nanomaterials are made by using nanotechnology and nanoparticals can often be added to modify or change the properties of Materials. Nanoparticals are added to plastics in sports equipment like tennis rackets, gold clubs and golf balls. They help make the plastic much more strong and more durable whilst not making it to heavy. This is an advantage as the competitiveness in sports have been remarkably impacted by nanotechnology. Also nanotechnology in sports equipments it offers a number of advantages and immense potential to improve sporting equipments, making athletes safer, better and more

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