Nadeem F Paracha's Writing Style.

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Nadeem. F.Paracha is a very respected and an acclaimed columnist for Dawn. He has been writing coloumns for quite a long time now and has been very critical on various issues of the country. Paracha has been associated with student politics right from the beginning of his student career. He is a leftist who strongly advocates liberalism in the society and denounces extremism in all its forms and manifestations. Nadeem.F.Paracha targets various other issues in the society, such as he is a strong critic of the army, and its indulgence in the politics of the country. He is of the view that army being the defenders of the country, should confine itself solely to the borders of the country rather than overtaking the reigns of power. He is critical of the fact that army over the years has bred and nourished extremists in the garb of Islamic Jihad. The army, while telling the countrymen that over the years its has been the sole saviour of their fate, has used the political platform to their utmost advantage. While, co operating with the United States to demolish the hegemony of the Soviet Union in the late 80’s, the army later on used these Jihadis to their own advantage to launch a monster against India in Kashmir, unaware of the fact that the same monster would unleash itself in the coming few years. Nadeem Paracha is a Marxist and an anarchic. He endorses socialism in the society. He was an open critic of Zia-ul Haq’s policies and also raised a voice against some of the policies of Bhutto against the students. He also criticises the corporate involvement and sponsorships in music. Since he was a musician in his early days, he is really sensitive to this issue . His article “ wrinkles in youth” dated May 29, 2011 speaks of how young literate proportions of the youth get carried away by the emotion of the religion and end up being on the wrong side. Its very easy

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