Mysterious Universe and Its Beauty

520 Words3 Pages
Mysterious Universe and its beauty Universe is bursting at the seams with known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns; all comprising with baffling mysteries. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mystery. It is the source of all true art and all science. I am a beholder, learning universe from its core. Every noun, adjective I use for nature cannot be enough. There is a captivating charisma in its sole; and its components completely ravishing. The cosmic serpent, fate of universe, beginning of earth, cryptic Bermuda triangle, puzzling ancient artifacts, man’s cherished myths, mystery of hollow earth, crop circle and many other secrets are exceedingly attractive that tends each and every individual to think about it. Entering in the mystery and analyzing its hypothesis, exploring around its area makes anyone truly joyous, further making you addicted to it. The planetary anomalies have its different brain catchy thesis. From the meta-universe that works together to make everything we know exists, to the dark energy- that permeates all of space and tends to increase the rate of expansion of the universe are all the biggest unsolved mysteries of outer space. When you freely leave yourself inside the world of mystery, you will sense the pull of gravity towards it. After viewing the evidence about the known unknowns like the extraterrestrial life to the teleportation anyone find as if these things really exists. And the more you want to go in its depth. We can even find mysteries in the place we live. Every simple thing that exits around us was mystery in the past. The attracting beauty of the shiny mountains resting in the lap of mother earth, numerous extraordinary waterfalls but seems like huge milk falls, the river, seas oceans binding the need and feeling of many life, the great pyramids of Egypt being keen to touch the sky are wordless

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