My Son Of Fanatic

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My son of fanatic: Questions: 1. Introduce the father and the son (include education, profession, ethnic background etc.) * The father and the son are Muslims. For years Parvez was a good athletic and he’s getting straight A’s in most subjects. The son is fanatic about his religion. He reads Koran and so on. The father drinks and do not follow the Koran. 2. In what ways has Ali changed lately? Give examples. * He has moved his things and other stuff from his room and that makes his father nervous. He has become tidier. 3. What picture do the discarded belongings give of Ali’s previous life? * He throws a lot of expansive things out, because they indicate an expansive teenage life. 4. Parvez sees his son’s behavior as eccentric (p. 60) – explain why. * Because throws all his things away. 5. How does the change affect Parvez, and why does he not discuss these problems with his son. * .. 6. Describe Parvez’ lifestyle and comment on his “boys’ life” with his colleagues. - The father starts to drink a lot. He sleeps at day and works at night. 7. What hopes has Parvez had for his son, and what “pitfalls” ( = et hul) (p. 60) has he feared? * Get a good job, marry the right girl and starts a family. 8. To whom does Parvez turn for advice? Is is useful advice? 9. Describe Parvez’ and Bettina’s relationship. 10. What was Parvez’ own boyhood like, and how has it affected his present outlook? * They have force him to read the Koran. When he reads the Koran he falls asleep, so they attaches a piece of string to the ceiling and tied it to Parvez’s hair, so that if his head fell forward, he would instantly awake. After this indignity Parvez avoids all religions. 11. Describe the visit to the restaurant – why was it “the worst experience of his life”? (p.
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