My Moral Values

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Alex Intchovski What are your moral values? You have many values—the guiding principles that you consider to be most important—that you have acquired over the course of your life. Your values deal with every aspect of your experience (recall, the “believing in hell” example from Tuesday). The following questions are designed to elicit some of your values. Think carefully about each of the questions and submit your responses along with the reasons you have adopted that value. Additionally, describe several of your moral values that are not addressed in these questions. 1.Do we have a moral responsibility toward less fortunate people? We only have a moral responsibility to be an opportunity for those less fortunate than us. Individuals, especially in contemporary society, are far less self-sufficient and expect things to be done for them rather than go out and take those opportunities themselves. I, personally, feel responsible only to the extent than another is willing to help themselves. If that initiative is not evident, then, I will not go out of my way to try and accomplish something for someone who was not willing to put in the effort to do so. Just because someone is less fortunate than you, does not mean that they have gone through or are going through more adversity. 2.Is it wrong to divulge a secret someone has confided in you? It is wrong divulge a secret someone has confided in you only if the circumstance does not warrant that secret being divulged. If a secret hinders someone’s well-being, and me revealing that secret inhibits that harm, then I will gladly divulge that secret. However, if there is no need to comprise secrecy for one’s well-being or situation, then there is no need to do so. 3.Should we eat meat? Should we wear animal skins/furs? It was Charles Darwin that elaborated on survival of the fittest in his studies of evolution.
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