My Magnificent Life

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I am a 34 year old man, married to a wonderful woman, with two great kids. When I was a teen, I was the worst procrastinator. I have learned to deal with stress, I have managed to create a happy relationship, and I keep in shape by exercising. I have contributed to the world by going on mission trips and helping people around the world. And also, as an adult I have also managed to cope with grief. As a teen, I was one of the worst procrastinators you can imagine. I left everything for the last minute, always leaving projects for the last minute. This bad habit of mine gave me a lot of stress. I found out the symptoms for stress, and I had a few, including change in sleeping and waking patterns(Cooper). I would go to sleep late and wake up early, but when I got home from school I would sleep. Till this day, I use stress management techniques. One of them was finding a way to relax, which was by listening to music(Cooper). I stopped procrastinating and my life changed. I became more organized because it helped and I had more time to do the things I wanted. I simplified my life, I stopped doing too much and I set goals I could achieve like doing good in school(Cooper). Bianca and I are best friends untill this day and has been my friend since I was 14 years old. Our friendship was made to last forever. I started dating Bianca when I was 15 years old and as I have said she is my wife now. We have been with each other for basically almost 20 years now. We became best friends and we worked on it together. We weren’t afraid to tell each other what was on our minds or hearts(Goldsmith). I made sure that if there was anything she did not like, I changed and I only knew because she put it on the table and told me(Goldsmith). We have been happily married for 12 years now, this is because of the lessons my parents taught me growing up, and because of them I always knew how

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