My Lucky Night

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Every birthday had been the same up until March 9th, 2010. It was my 18th birthday and I had waited a long time for it to come. For weeks I’d been counting down the days on my whiteboard calendar. Although it landed on a Tuesday, that did not stop me from planning my big day. I was not into having a huge party or doing anything big, but there was a few things that I had to accomplish. My first mission was to renew my license. I had been waiting to take a new picture since I was 16 because my picture was horrific: my face was oily, I wasn’t wearing makeup, my glasses were crooked, my hair was tied back so I looked bald and my smile looked like I was just clenching my jaw to show the DMV lady my teeth. My second mission was to go to the gas station and buy scratch off tickets, Powerball and a pack of cigarettes, even though I don’t smoke. My third and final mission was to go to the casino with my family. “Thi, you have to stay home because you’re too young,” was the phrase I heard a lot from my family as they walked out the door and headed to Mystic Lake Casino. Now that I was old enough to go, I needed to see what all the fuss was about. These were the missions that I had to finish by the end of the night. When I woke up that morning, I immediately ran upstairs and looked at the fridge because I knew there would be envelopes with my name on it filled with cash. This year, I did not want anything special or in particular for my birthday. I just wanted money so I could spend it on myself, on my own time. Unfortunately, there weren’t any envelopes for me to open. As a matter of fact, nobody in my house was awake for this important day. “Thi Thi! Thi Thi!” My two-year-old nephew was shouting my name as he climbed the stairs like a monkey. He was too young to know that it was my birthday, but he came up and gave me a kiss on the cheek, which was very unusual of him.
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