My Hijab Essay

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“Judge me by what is IN my head, not what is ON my head.” By Unknown Ok, 5 or 6 years ago, when I was about 6 or 7, I was a shy but mysteriously quiet kid in kindergarten. I had a lot of friends, my teacher was nice to me, everything was ok. Until I had started wearing the hijab. I used to hear rumors before that if you slept with a hijab, your hair would burn up. Of course, I don’t believe that NOW, but I was very gullible as a young child. My dad was and is still a religious father and had told me that I was old enough to start wearing a hijab. Well, I had a big issue with that. I was like, why can’t I wear it when I get older? I’ve seen a lot of girls without hijabs when I once went to Eid prayer and they were all dolled up. I once longed to be like that but it was a hassle trying to be like them. The next day, me and my mom went to the store to buy some hijabs. The owners were best friends with my mom, and they were “so proud” that I had started wearing hijabs. I was like a gold doll on display; everyone had wanted to see me. At school, all the first-graders had mobbed me. “Oh my god, did you suddenly turn bald?” and “You look so OLD!” I was annoyed and frustrated. I was under a lot of pressure because EVERYONE was staring at me the WHOLE time. I felt like throwing up in front of the class or at least FAKING it to at least get out of class. So I had said I had a fever and I went to the nurse’s office. So guess what? Uh-huh, you’re correct, staff were looking at me. Even the principal, who said, “ I thought you were supposed to be older to wear the hijab...” I sat in the bed and was sitting there for 20 minutes. So apparently she wasn’t there and I was sent back to class. It was time for recess, and the girls were whispering to each other. My friend Courtney came up to me and told me that someone had started a rumor about me being bald. Right now, I
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