My Future Goals

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Haley Pittman My Future Goals My future goals as a college student include years of consistency, hard work, and an enormous amount of passion. My one dream in life is to obtain the education for the one career I've longed to have ever since I was a child. My biggest aspiration is to excel in Veterinary Medicine. My love for animals grows stronger each and every passing day. I will do anything in my power and education to save the lives of the amazing creatures that inhabit our world. After I complete high school, I devise to embark at Northeast Alabama Community College for a full two years to receive my basics in Veterinary Medicine. The basic classes I intend to take to become a veterinarian will include series of sciences and math such as chemistry, physics, and biology. My extracurricular activities on Northeast's campus may include jazz band or visual art. In the jazz band, I hope to assimilate as a trombonist. In visual art class, I intend to utilize my natural born talent with art. Subsequently, my years at Northeast will come to a halt and I will be left with my next objective: To attend The University of Auburn. My plot for becoming a student a the University of Auburn includes my application for Auburn's marching band to become a sousaphonist. While living in Auburn, Alabama, I will claim a temporary, but convenient career of a Veterinary Assistant. When two of my years at Auburn end, my final and most important aspect arrives. After gaining the foundation of my education at Northeast Alabama Community College and The University of Auburn, I shall apply for the University of Auburn's College of Veterinary Medicine to receive my degree in Veterinary
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