My Friend, Food

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My Friend, Food A few years ago, some co-workers and I got a bunch of free pizzas for a workers appreciation day (and if there is anything I love more than food, it’s free food). It was then that I embarked on my first eating contest. It was little tiny me against two fully grown men. And as the pizza filled cardboard boxes began to get lighter, it was no contest. I smoked them. It was then that I truly discovered the talents of my small stomach and accelerated metabolism. But the best part was that I also found myself bonding with people, I usually just associated with, on a deeper level. Not only had I had a great time and gained respect and admiration, I also developed friendships. You see, in my life, food makes me ridiculously happy, perhaps more than it should. But hey, I love to eat! Yet what I really love, what really makes me happy, is how food brings people together. Food is not only a staple of survival, but a ritual of laughter and stories, a conquest of bad vegetables and rewarding desserts. I can recall going out for spaghetti with my cross country team the day before a big meet, loading up on carbs and bonding as a team as we tried to see who could slurp the longest noodle, laughing over shared stories of past meets and practices. I believe in the power of food because it has allowed me to share something I’m good at. I believe in food because it helps me to open up to new people with ease. During my first semester of college, I moved into an apartment with four other complete strangers. Amidst the awkwardness of our new home, a well-placed order of takeout brought all us girls together, as we gathered and talked for the first time over cheese, mushrooms, and pepperoni. Food brings people together and connects us all. After all, a good bowl of chips and salsa will gather a crowd and force conversation with people you may not have taken the time to get
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