My First Day Of Labor

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My first day of labor I remember a cold morning waking up with my mother voice. I started school when I was 5 years old I can remember it like it was yesterday. I felt the cold floor touching my little warm feet as my mother showed me where my uniform was. As soon as I got ready my mother drive to school, it was one of the shortest drive ever probably because I was so tired that I blinked and when I opened again I was already at the school. She parked the car in my school’s parking lot, looked me in my semi-closed eyes and told me that I was going to love this school. My first impression at the school was an empty place and as we walked I asked my mom if we were early but with a straight face she told me that we were actually late and it was then when I really worked up and started getting concerned. My brain had just wake up and started the labors of that morning which were to bomb me with all types of doubts, concerns, and worst possible scenarios about this place. So as we continued walking my face expression changed completely from a sleepy face to what am I doing here, I want to go home. Then we found my preschool teacher, no, actually she found us. My mom told me to let go and go with the woman, but there was no way I was going to leave my moms hand. My mom saw my watering eyes and told the teacher she was walked with me. As we walked, knowing where we were going this time, I lost my hopes about skipping my first day and hold my moms hand firmly. We went to two different classrooms, checking on their list for my name with no luck, until we found “CARlos” on the third classroom. After a long walk to my classroom my mom told me, “ok let me go I have to go back to your sister so your father can go to work.” As soon as she let go of my hand and pushed me inside that room I quickly scanned it out, it was not a bad looking place, it had a lot of colors, toys,
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