My Favorite Composer

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Do you appreciate composers of music before your time? Some people don’t even know of many great composers of music before their time. The few people that know about the music of history of course, would know of a great composer known as George Frideric Handel. He is remembered for His early career because He started studying Christian Thomasius at the University of Halle, also known for his personal life as he kept his personal life private, lastly he was known for his legacy after he died because the Italian operas failed without him. First, George Frideric Handel was a great composer that will never be forgotten because of his early career as He started studying Christian Thomasius at the University of Halle. He was over achieving his goals by making good grades and studying very effectively. He was also successful to achieve his position as an organist of a cathedral for one year. By 1703, He was starting to dislike the progress of his musical career. From then on He supposed of a violinist and Harpsichordist. In 1705 he publicated Almira and Nero which would be his first two operas. Secondly, George Frideric Handel will be remember for His personal life. He was not married to anyone. When He was at the age of 52 he had a stroke. Sometimes He didn’t feel like performing due to the loss of the feeling in his right hand. His fans gave up on his, but he recovered quickly astonishing them. He kept his business private. The public didn’t know much about his personal life. Last, George Frideric Handel will be remembered for His legacy. After His death Italian operas suffered. He was basically the best composer of opera. His music was studied by Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven. Handel was a mentor to some people. Two composers re-wrote most of Handel’s works. They’re names were Samuel Arnold and Friedrich chrysander. Overall, George frideric Handel was a great

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