My Favorite Athelete: Muhammad Ali

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My Favourite Athlete: Muhammad Ali By: Jowl Victor My favourite Athlete Is Muhammad Ali. He’s my favourite athlete because; he shows great symbol of black pride because in an era of civil rights. When blacks were hated he told America "Im pretty" a reflection of the Black is beautiful movement. He was also a man of principal. He didn't believe in the war and refused to go despite the money it might cost him (millions) and his prime years. I know some will say he was a coward and anti-American but few hold that view today. Most know he was right when America's leadership was wrong (about Vietnam and about Blacks in America). Ali was about excellence, confidence, and standing up for what you believe in. He is a true black hero. Muhammad Ali, whose birth name was Cassius Marcellus Clay, was born in Louisville, Kentucky January 17, 1942. He was named from a white, Kentucky abolitionist, Cassius M. Clay, and received the name Marcellus from his father’s name. Ali’s father was a mural painter who did a lot of work for many churches in the community and his mother Odessa Clay was a domestic worker. As a young boy, Cassius Clay was full of energy and carried a loud mouth wherever he went. One day when Ali discovered that someone stole his bicycle, he became enraged and made loud threatening comments by exclaiming that he would “whup whoever stole it.” Upon hearing these threats, Louisville police officer Joe Martin persuaded Ali to take out his frustration in the boxing ring rather than on the dangerous streets of Louisville. At age 12, Ali’s boxing career had officially begun. Martin started Ali working out in Louisville’s Columbia Gym, and Ali became passionately devoted to the sport. With the help of a black trainer named Fred Stoner, who taught Ali the techniques of boxing and to move with the grace of a dancer, Ali became a very skilled and deadly competitor.
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