My Father My Hero

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My Father My Hero When I was growing up my dad was my best friend. Every night I would wait until 8:00 for him to get off of work. I would hear the car door shut, count the number of steps it took for him to get to the door, and run excitedly to the door with Toy Story in my hands. He would open the door, pick me up and spin me around, and gently sat me down on the couch. We would then put Toy Story in the VCR, and watch the movie until I fell asleep. I am sure the movie eventually got old, but he never showed any lack of excitement. There is always that one special person in someone’s life that they look up to. My father is my hero because he is the only person who has been a positive influence, and a great motivator. I didn’t have a terrible life, but I do know that we struggled. My dad barely finished high school, didn’t go to college, and was a single parent to my brother when he was in is twenties. I was too little to comprehend how much we struggled, but now that I’m older I realized that there were some months that we barely made rent. Even though times were rough, we never really knew. My dad always found a way to provide for us. There was always food on the table, presents under the tree for Christmas, and running water when we turned on the faucet. Things were never perfect, but my dad always kept a positive attitude. He would wake up every morning with a smile on his face. It wasn’t just any smile though; it was a contagious kind of smile. If anyone was around him they couldn’t help but be happy. My dad has been the only person that I could truly rely on. Throughout the years my friends and even my mom let me down. No one was ever there to take care of me the way that he was. When I couldn’t lean on anyone else I could always count on my dad to be there to pick up the pieces. When I was fifteen I went through my first break up. I was distressed
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