My Evaluation of Texas Roadhouse Restaurant

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My Evaluation of Texas Roadhouse Restaurant ENGL135 My Evaluation of the Texas Roadhouse Restaurant I am going to give an evaluation of one of my favorite restaurants, which is Texas Roadhouse. I have been a customer with this restaurant since I went there with some friends for a holiday gathering. Some of the evaluation discussions that I will cover are: presentation of the restaurant, friendliness of the staff and last but not least, the food. I would like to start off my evaluation by the presentation of the restaurant, which covers appearance. The first impression is the best impression as a customer. The restaurant should be clean as well as cozy. If the restaurant is dirty and unkempt, I wouldn’t want to eat there. If that was the case, I would turn around and walk out. No one in their right mind would eat at a restaurant that is dirty and unpresentable. But at the Texas Roadhouse Restaurant, when I walk in the restaurant is clean and everything is in place. The next thing that I would evaluate at the restaurant, is how long I have to wait before a host or hostess comes to greet me. If the restaurant is very busy, I understand that it may take some time. But if the restaurant is not very busy, then a host or hostess should be acknowledging my presence right away. The host should be presentable and friendly, which makes me feel comfortable to be at this restaurant. After being seated, I also take into consideration of how long it takes before the wait staff takes before coming to the table. I shouldn’t have to sit there for a very long time before someone comes even comes to take my drink order. If I sit waiting for the wait staff too long, I am going to get up and walk out. It is very impolite for the wait staff to wait on others that arrived after you, while you are still sitting and waiting. But if I am waited on immediately, I

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