My Destiny Essay

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My Destiny I sat at the edge of her bed with tears streaming down my face. I reached out and touched her arm, her skin was so soft, and I yearned to once again be able to hold her in my arms. She laid there completely paralyzed and sedated from the slew of medications that where intravenously being pumped into her little body. Her beautiful face, which looked as if it belonged on a porcelain doll,was covered in surgical tape that kept the ventilator tube in place. Her tiny chest, no bigger than a pineapple, had drainage tubes coming out of them. The sounds of the pediatric intensive care unit filled the room, the bells and the chimes of the many different machines, the muffled sounds of the nurses shoes on the floors rang through my ears. I felt so alone, even though I was surrounded by the nurses, doctors and medical staff that were valiantly trying to save my daughter from the infection raging throughout her body. The doctors diagnosed my daughter Destanee with staph pneumonia which was contracted through the daycare center she was attending. When she first became ill it just seemed as if she had a bad cold with a runny nose, cough and fever. My motherly instinct told me to take her to the doctor so I did. The doctor to felt that she just a bad cold but still gave her a full examination, upon which she found that with each breath her chest retracted. The doctor placed in her the hospital for observation. We weren’t there long before things began to all go wrong. First her oxygen levels where way off, so they immediately had an x-ray of her chest taken, finding that her right lung which contains two chambers was completely collapsed. I stood there completely silent and crushed as they rushed her into the intensive care unit, leaving me in the room all alone wondering what was happening. When I first entered her room in the pediatric intensive care
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