My Community to Me

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It is important to be part of a particular community for the simple fact that one must feel welcomed by someone or something to live in prosperity. The Christian religion has not played a major part in my upbringing; however, it is the most significant community. Belonging to the Christian community has taught me several values such as living a moral life and being generous with time and money. Before becoming a part of the Christian religion I found myself at lost, which is the way most people feel before finding comfort in a particular community. We are all part of communities in different ways and these communities are formed to feel accepted, learned from right and wrong, and find forgiveness. Throughout life everyone desires to be accepted in any possible way. Kids want to be accepted by their friends and adults want to be accepted by their spouse, boss, and society. We Christians value every life and soul of every living person regardless of their past beliefs. The church and its community is a place where an individual can be loved and encouraged. We all have troubles, dilemmas, and disappointments in life. We all wrestle with discouragement and heartache. Life can be cruel in a fallen world. "It is not good for man to be alone" (Genesis 2:8). Coming to church means interacting with your fellow Christians, it means receiving an encouraging word, a hug and a smile, having someone listen. More importantly, it is often through His body that Christ speaks the comforting and crucial direction that we need. In this community we also experience timely worded Gospel spoken by one Christian to another that drives out the dejection. Before joining a community one might think no member will understand my life, but it is in a community where we find that it is not only the understanding we crave from others but also the recognition from other humans we desire. In the
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