My Characteristics To Succeed As A Businessman

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My Characteristics to Succeed as a Businessman By Hugo Vazquez A successful career to one person may mean earning the most money. For some others may mean the highest position. But to me it means to put forth my greatest efforts to accomplish goals for my career. I came to this conclusion after interviewing Shawn Smith, a successful businessman. He told me not be too proud of myself, be a humble person. He believes that in order to accomplish goals businesspeople must have consistency in their actions and in their lives. Also, he said they should always be grateful for their opportunities. This will ensure them to put forth their greatest efforts. After interviewing Mr. Smith, I determined that the three necessary characteristics to obtain success as a businessman are humility, consistency and gratitude, all of which I strive to achieve in my life and my career. Mr. Smith is example to me of someone who has succeeded in the nightlife business (night clubs). He has been learning to thank the people and employees around him for the suggestions they make. He said that he is grateful for their help, comments, suggestions, questions, clarifications and changes. Shawn Smith started his early carrier at the age of 15. He worked as a busboy in a local restaurant in San Francisco for ten years. Soon after he decided to open a bar, which he called The Transfer. Most recently he opened Black Beard Lounge, which is considered a new hot spot in San Francisco. He is a personal role model. It seems that being humble may not seem like an important characteristic to have, but I believe that a person must have a large amount of humility so they don’t seem to cocky or too proud. My understanding of a humble person agrees with the definition in the Longman dictionary. “Not considering yourself or your ideas to be as important as other people’s”. I think

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