My Awesome and Informative Response Essay

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In blue collar brilliance Mike rose describes his relational experiences about the thought processes involved in blue, pink and white collar classes of America in the 1950s he writes that the stigma placed on blue collar work is for “a bunch of dummies” is grossly over exaggerated. He continues to say that there is more to intelligence then to be schooled some things must be learned hands on. Mike rose argues that blue collar worker of the 1950s were intelligent because they used “a set of routines that quick and preserved energy”. I can relate to the author work, my mother worked as a waitress and on many occasions I would visit her at work. I have also worked in the production industry and in skilled trades my whole life. The blue collar class gets a lot of ridicule and this is why they are the back bone of America without them we never could have built the Hoover damn or the intercontinental railroad for these reson and many more I think it is far more important to the infrastructure of America then we think and should be receiving praise and admiration not judgment. When I think of the term blue collar I don’t think of a dirty, lazy and uneducated person I think of intelligent and quick thinking workers. Sometimes our cultural thinks that in order to make it big you have to go to school or know someone who knows someone Everyone should do some time in a blue collar job to get a feel for how small choices can have big effects on the little guy. The skills that you can learn there are irreplaceable and it can make even the smartest person rescet the kind of work that gets

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