Music in Youth Culture

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Music in Youth Culture Life, the gift that we all share. Music has been a very important part of life, it is basically everywhere. Music has been applied to everyday life; also music is also applied at many different occasions. Music is also used throughout the whole world; music can also be accessed through technology that is made nowadays. Parents are often unaware of the music there children are listening to or even downloading. Music has expanded itself through many places such as, schoolwork, social interactions, mood and affect and particular behaviours. Many effects have been witness when adolescents and or adults listen to music. Lyrics have become more explicit in their reference to drugs, sex and also violence throughout the last decade. Research has reported that the effect of the music video messages has a big impacted on adolescents sending a message of violence, sexual behaviours, sexual stereotypes and use of substances of abuse. Listening to music is known as a part of growing on in a young adult’s life. Music provides entertainments for when one is bored, distraction from problems and provides as a way to relieve tension. Statistics has shown the music can be used to deal with loneliness and can also take control of their emotions and how they act. Music can also send messages of romance and can be used a tool for giving advice for relationships. Music has an unexplainable way of affecting us but the affect is in our mood, When teenagers are often upset they listen to one of their favourites song or even songs that have an up beat, to boost the mood up and make them happier, depending on how young adults feel, many listen to depressing songs which normally calm them down when they feel angry. Without music the human race lives would be very much different from the 21 century, As for teenagers, they listen to music the expresses how they feel

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