Municipal Solid Waste

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Municipal Solid Waste What is Municipal solid waste? Municipal solid waste is the solid waste, or garbage, collected from the residents of a city. It is composed of mostly paper, plastic, food scraps and other household wastes. Municipal solid waste materials is essentially the same as waste normally generated by a household and is collected and disposed of with other municipal solid waste as part of normal municipal solid waste collection services; and contains a relative quantity of hazardous substances no greater than the relative quantity of hazardous substances contained in waste material generated by a typical single-family household. Examples of municipal solid waste under subparagraph include food and yard waste, paper, clothing, appliances, consumer product packaging, disposable diapers, office supplies, cosmetics, glass and metal food containers, elementary or secondary school science laboratory waste, and household hazardous waste. Concept of Solid waste Dealing with waste management has become an issue of major importance. Some things, like landfills, are becoming increasingly full. This creates a situation in which we are forced to find new ways to dispose of waste. This said; let's explore some of the concepts of waste management. Waste Hierarchy is talking about the "three Rs", and classifies waste management approaches based on their desirability. These are reduce, reuse, and recycle. Basically the goal is to get the most use out of a product and to generate the least amount of waste. The Zero Waste concept essentially promotes the idea that the current recycling procedures be enhanced to create a circular pattern in which the most use is obtained from a product. The goal is to create zero waste by reusing a product as many times as possible. Recycling Reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators. Conserves natural
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