Multisystem Failure Essay

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Multisystem Failure

Since Mrs. Baker is alert and talking when she arrives, it would be crucial to get as much information from her upon arrival as possible. Since she is dyspneic and tachycardic, oxygen would be administered shortly after she presents to the ER. She would be hooked up to a monitor to take her vitals. Telemetry would also be applied to continuously track her heart rhythm. Her blood glucose level would be taken with a glucometer since she is diabetic. Mrs. Baker’s pain level would also be assessed prior to her becoming unresponsive by using the verbal numeric scale. She would rate her pain on a scale of 0-10 (0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain possible). Mrs. Baker would also communicate when she last took her medications and what doses she took as well as when she ate last, prior to becoming unresponsive. Since she has recently started taking Lisinopril, this could play a factor in Mrs. Baker’s symptoms. Any allergies would also be noted. It is always important to remember the components of the nursing assessment with patients presenting to the Emergency Room. The assessment begins with airway, breathing, and circulation. Observe the patient’s airway for edema, blood, vomit, loose teeth, anything obstructing it. If the airway is not patent, an artificial airway may need to be placed if it is not possible to clear the obstruction. When assessing a patient’s breathing, look at the rise and fall of the chest for symmetry and observe the rate of respirations. Listen to lung sounds using a stethoscope. Make proper nursing interventions if needed. Check the central pulse and note skin color, temperature and moisture when assessing circulation. Assess skin turgor for dehydration. Initiate intravenous access and begin running fluids. Place a urinary catheter to accurately measure output. Labs that would likely be ordered

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