Multicultural Awareness Essay

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Multicultural Awareness Nicole Barnes Walden University Multicultural Awareness Mental health counselor, one must consider the socio-cultural context of the client when conceptualizing client cases in choosing interventions (Laureate Inc., 2010). While being aware of the client’s socio-cultural context, it is equally important to be aware of one’s own, with its bias’ and beliefs so that the client conceptualization is not influenced by a lack of self-awareness (Laureate Inc., 2010). In order to effectively gain an understanding of one’s multicultural awareness and cultural competence a mental health counselor should participate in a self assessment. Multicultural self assessments should assist the mental health counselor in gaining and understanding of who they are, what they believe in, and how to separate those personal aspects from the counseling process (Laureate Inc., 2010). After administering a multicultural self assessment provided by Petrone, my hypothesis concerning my level of multicultural awareness and competence was found to be null. The multicultural self assessment reveled that I am more multicultural well and cultural competent that what was originally hypothesize. Out of fifteen questions with responses ranging from one to five I scored eleven number fives (almost always), three number threes (sometimes), and one number four (more often than not) (Petron, n.d.). Reflecting back on the responses within the context of classroom interactions it was discovered that my behavior is no different in that setting than in my day-to-day encounters. Looking back on the results of the multicultural assessment I gained insight of the first time I realized that I was “other”. This realization occurred at the time of my father’s death. I am the oldest of three girls two of which are illegitimate. My paternal side of the family all but

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