Mu 9 Level 4 Journal Entry

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MU 10 Additional Questions Session 10 What is meant by Cognitive distortions? How would you describe the skills required for developing and sustaining the counselling relationship? Cognitive distortions are irrational thought patterns that are thought to be responsible for anxiety and depression. Beck did a lot of work on Cognitive distortions and found there to be several common ones such as Filtering this is when a person takes either just the negatives or positives from an experience and then bases all future experiences on these aspects. For example “ I always get stressed when I have to work to a deadline” this person would associate the deadline with failure and would therefore avoid working to a deadline however if they inspected what had led them to fail on a particular project they would certainly see that the deadline had little to nothing to do with the failure. If the person continues with this thought process then they will probably become very anxious at work and more than likely underachieve so they are not in a position where they are responsible for complying with deadlines. Or Personalization when someone insists that things always happen to them either good or bad oh that just my luck this always happens to me, why me? This can be paired with rituals that an individual will perform either to prevent something from happening or indeed to make it happen, I once new someone who when approaching traffic lights would not blink until they had passed through by performing this ritual she believed that she was keeping the lights from changing ( although I feel that the increased speed in which she would approach the lights often got her through before they changed) we have cognitive distortions and it is healthy to have some but it becomes unhealthy for a person when the distortions they have cause them anxiety and interfere with daily life. It

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