Mrs.Jackson Case Essay

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How far do the sources suggest that, in the Jackson Marriage case of 1891, it was Mr.Jackson who had ‘right upon his side’? Sources 10 and 11 agree with this statement as far as giving an image that Mr.Jackson was being a good husband, treating his wife right and following the law as he had the right as her husband to take her away. As in source 10 Mrs.Jackson admits that he is ‘kind and considerate’ to her which suggests he is doing his rightful husbandly duties. Source 11 adds to this as there are chants of Mr.Jackson being ‘a jolly good fellow’, which protects the same image of him being the righteous one. Also again sources 11 and 12 fight in a similar way in favour of Mr.Jackson. Source 11 strongly supports Mr.Jackson as it gives an description of a scene where there were “Groans, hisses and yells were given for Mrs Jackson” which highlights the fact that she is being criticised for going against her husband, which shows people believed Mr.Jackson was ‘Right upon his side’ with the law and an appeal shouldn’t have taken place. Whilst source 12 has a similar view of this situation as it states that “the law court agreed and decided in favour of Mr Jackson at first which made people hate Mrs Jackson’s friends for getting involved in the case. However Source 10 and 12 also suggest that Mr.Jackson is indeed the one in the wrong and Mrs.Jackson is indeed wrong and Mrs.Jackson is more of an ‘angel in the house’. Source 10 suggests this by stating that she has not be known to have ‘complained’ about the abduction, but would like to ‘resume’ a ‘quiet’ private sphere lifestyle like an ‘angel in the house’. Source 12 supports this suggestion by saying she ‘should be set at liberty’ cause she isn’t the one in the wrong hence the reason why the courts turned against Mr.Jackson. Also when examining the provenances of the sources I found several things. Source 11 was
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