Moving from Stage 2 to Stage 3 in the Counselling Process

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RCC3 LO1 Frederique Hill 27/04/14 a) Explain by what means you would determine that a client is ready to move on to Stage III of the counselling process. Within the client counsellor session, it is of paramount importance to be attentive and focused on your client’s needs. This way you fully recognise the stages through which they are moving. Having gotten to the stage where the client is ready to progress to stage 3 of the relationship, the counsellor will have noticed significant changes in their client’s behaviour and attitudes. The goals that were talked about in earlier sessions are beginning to be embraced by the client, who is questioning the counsellor more, in an effort to start the changes. Words like “so when are we goal setting please?” And “I really feel you’re helping me see the light” are also affirming statements. Along with this, the client’s appearance may have changed, as may their facial expressions. The positive-ness with which they are starting the sessions also are a dead giveaway. The client may also come to the sessions having drawn up their own plans for progressing. This shows that the client is ready for change and is being much more assertive with their counsellor. A client counsellor session can also start to become quite stagnant. No further development would show that something is amiss. This is usually as a result of the client needing to gain more from their sessions rather than continually going over the same issues. Failure to recognise any of these issues can lead to a breakdown in the communicating process and often set the client back to where they started. The client needs to feel valued and listened to. To miss the signs being sent could have major effects on the client. Should a session stop proceeding forward and the client become silent, this would be a good place to find out exactly how they are feeling, and
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