Move and Position Individuals

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Unit 56 1.1 As part of a care workers job you have to partake in assisting with the moving and handling of individuals. Having a basic understanding of anatomy and physiology can help reduce the risk of harm to yourself and others when undertaking moving and handling procedures. When moving and positioning individuals, it is important to ensure the individual is not moved more than their body is capable of, as muscles can only move bones at the joint as far as the joint allows. It is also important to move and handle correctly to ensure nerve fibres are not damaged as they are delicate, but also important as they send impulses in the body which enable muscles to relax and contract. There are a few different types of joints in the human body such as ball and socket joints, hinge joints and pivot joints all which allow different types of movement. These joints are held together by muscles which work like levers to allow the bones at a joint to work like hinges. Muscles pull and move the bones at particular joints and this is what makes joints move thus the body moves. When supporting moving and positioning activities it is important to remember that muscles can only move joints as far as the joint allows. For example knees and elbow joints have limited movement and it is important to know how easy it is to these damage joints for example heaving people around a bed without using correct equipment or illegal lifting a person under their arms. When used correctly, hoists, turners and slide sheets are example of equipment which can be used to move and position individuals without having to cause injury. 1.2 There are many conditions that can have an impact on the correct moving and positioning of an individual such as: Arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, amputation, stroke, spinal injury and Cerebral palsy. Arthritis People will have stiff painful joints and will

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