Motivation and Attitude of Volunteers in Sporting Event

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Motivation and attitude of volunteers in a sporting event Hirotaka Matsuoka(*) and Keiko Matsunaga(**) Biwako Seikei Sport College(*) and Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences(**) Introduction It has become a crucial task for sport managers to effectively direct volunteers who are substantial human resources among sport organizations and sporting events. Researchers have started focusing on understanding why people volunteer in sport and identified components of motivation of volunteers (e.g., Chelladurai, 1999; Farrell et al., 1998; Sin-Yin, 1996). For instance , Chelladurai (1999) indicated three major reasons of volunteering in sport: normative incentives (i.e., the need to do something good); utilitarian incentives (i.e., enhancement of human capital in terms of skills, knowledge, and experience); and affective incentives (i.e., to satisfy the needs for friendship, fellowship, and status). The further step might be to assess motives of volunteers adequately and investigate effects of motives on volunteers’ attitude toward their jobs in sporting events as well as job performance. Matsuoka and Matsunaga (2002) developed the Scale of Motivation of Volunteer in Sporting events (SMVS) through multiple survey studies. Initially, they identified dimensions of motives from the qualitative analyses of data collected from 70 volunteers in Japanese Organising Committee for the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan. Secondly, the total of 56 question items were created to measure motives of volunteers rooted in the results of the initial qualitative analyses. The questionnaire was next administered to 256 volunteers in the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan. The scale was purified through the empirical process of item-to-total correlations and reliability estimates. As a result, three dimensions (i.e., altruistic incentives, egoistic incentives, and event-unique incentives),

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