Motivation Affects Employee Productivity

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In the organizational setting the word “Motivation” is used to describe the drive that impels an individual to work. A truly motivated person is one who “wants” to work .Both employees and employers are interested in understanding motivation if employees know what strengthens and what weakens their motivation, they can often perform more effectively to find more satisfaction in their job. Employers want to know what motivates their employees so that they can get them to work harder. When people speak of motivation or ask about the motives of person, they are really asking “Why” the person acts, or why the person acts the way he does .The concept of motivation implies that people choose the path of action they follow. When behavioral scientists use the word motivation, they think of its something steaming from within the person technically, the term motivation has its origin in the Latin word “mover” which means “to move”. Thus the word motivation stands for movement. One can get a donkey to move by using a carrot or a stick; with people one can use incentives, or threats or reprimands. However, these only have a limited effect. These work for a while and then need to be repeated, increased or reinforced to secure further movement. If a manager truly understands his subordinate’s motivation, he can channel their “inner state” towards command goals, i.e., goals, shared by both the individual and the organization. It is a well known fact that human being have great potential but they do not use it fully , when motivation is absent .Motivation factor are those which make people give more than a fair day’s work and that is usually only about sixty-five percent of a person’s capacity .Obviously , every manager should be releasing hundred percent of an individual’s to maximize performance for achieving organizational goals and at the same to enable

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