Mother Who Are Employed Outside the Home

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In recent years, most mothers in Malaysia are employed. In the past, world has though that mother employed outside the home would be a harm to the development of a child. In recent studies show that there is no material injury and mentally injury to the children that have a working mother. Over the years, mother’s employment status recent increases. For example, in 1940 there are only 8.6% of Americans mothers with children works outside of home (Hoffman). As recent as of 2010, 64% of women with children under the age of 6 worked in the United States(Mann 1). Women are probability to have a successful career and a successful family. The relationship of a mother with children would not be affected by mother’s employment status. A working mother increase the total income of a family. The additional income of mother is a benefit to a child’s growth and ability the family spending more money on their child. For example, the family may be able to support children extracurricular, classes and go for travels to learn about different culture. Child development test scores is enhances with every $20,000 increase in parents’ income by a mean of about 0.9% (Youngberg 101). Children with working mothers affected positively too. A working mother is always a role model of children. Children with employed mothers was found to have a better academic performance, successful career, more nontraditional career choices, and greater occupational commitment (Hoffman). Children may patterned themselves upon their mother, viewing mother as a strong woman who works hard to provide the best for the family both at job and at home (Youngberg 101). Daycare choice plays a big role in affected children with parents’ employed (Mann 2). Children are taught to share and get along with other children in daycare while also providing them chances to development acknowledge and physically
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