Mother Tongue Influence on Second Language

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According to Parker & Riley,1994 Borrowing patterns from their mother tongue, a process is referred as “negative transfer” or “interference”. According to Powell “borrowing” is defined as “the incorporation of linguistic material from one language into another” The items that included in borrowing patterns are the lexical items that express either cultural concepts that are new to the borrowing group, or notions that are particularly important in a given contact situation. Among bilingual speakers we can notice a form of language interference called linguistic borrowing which is a sociolinguistic phenomenon. Another problem in borrowing patterns from their mother tongue is “integrated borrowing” where some words which borrowed from native language into target language where the speakers learn that word without the original meaning in native language. In “creative borrowing” where the speakers using a word from target language to express a concept closely related to the culture of that native language. Negative transfer comes when there is no agreement between native language and second language, and thus acquisition of the new target language would be more hard and errors reflecting the native language structure would be produced. Example..Spanish learners of L2 English use the English long-adjective superlatives incorrectly. They pronounce “the more beautiful girl” instead of the “most beautiful girl”. “communicative borrowing” reflects a communicative strategy which helps the learners who have borrowed the patterns from their mother tongue in the course of interlanguage. In negative transfer a phenomenon of interference called “proactive inhibition” where the old memories interfere with the retention of new learning. But Krashen suggests that L1 negative transfer also used as a communicative strategy to solve problems. But some researchers called
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