Most Memorable Essay

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Most memorable So many things happen in a lifetime it is extremely hard to pick just one that would be “Most memorable.” To narrow it down through all of the wins, parties, or gifts is almost an insurmountable task. However, I managed to pick that one time in my life that I will never forget. The day that I moved to Biloxi, Mississippi was a life changing experience in many different ways. I totally changed as a person; I went from the epitome of a bad kid, to a kid that made my parents proud; from a class clown, to a straight A student; and from being a popular kid to finding a whole new set of friends. Everyone knows the kid that was a nuisance to the neighborhood, when he walks around everyone keeps their eyes open for something bad to happen, well, that used to be me. I got caught doing more things than I would want to speak about, and got in trouble basically every weekend. When I got the news that I would be moving I seemed to get even worse, but after the move was over I used that opportunity to change my life around. I started to hang out with kids my age and try and stay away from doing anything wrong. I have lived here since the start of my tenth grade year, and have yet to get in trouble, and my friends are the same way. My parents don’t have to worry about where I am every second of the day, and I don’t constantly have to worry about doing something wrong. Back in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania I was the kid who didn’t care what a teacher said, did not do my homework, or even classwork. I managed to keep my grades up just from cheating my way through or just from being somewhat intelligent naturally. This is another thing I wanted to change when I moved, I started to be respectful in class and handle my business when it came to school. I went from every teacher not liking me to still in contact with my high school teachers. From barely passing to a 3.75
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