Most Interesting Day of Winter Break

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My Christmas break was ,to say the most, boring. If this one interesting day hadn’t happened, I would’ve died of boredom! In the many days that we were given to go and visit friends and family or have fun at home, I did neither. The most fun I really had on any given days of break was ,December 23, two days before Christmas. I did it with two really good friends, Cole and Dallas. During the course of this exciting day I got almost all of my Christmas shopping done, and saw a movie with Cole and Dallas. Then we went to their aunt’s house, and messed around there until it was time for me to take my leave and go home. Now enough of me summing it up for you, and let tell you about this day that was the most interesting day of my Christmas break. For most of the beginning of the morning I was bored out of my mind! All I did was mostly the same as a school day’s morning routine. It was even as early as the time I get up for school, which is pretty early. The “fun” really starts when Dad, Crystal, and I go to Greely. We had been there for a while Christmas shopping for each other when finally we had but one more stop to make. It was a our stop to pick up Cole’s Christmas present but little did I know this little pawn shop was the way it was. When we finally got inside the little shop, a lot of what I saw, was offensive clothing meant to be worn for teen-young adult girls. Every piece of clothing was tight, tiny, and had zippers on the front of everything. And not decorative zippers either, they were real working zipper. If you wanted to you could zip down the whole front of the skirt or shirt. Hopefully you see my point by now of the offensiveness of the clothing in this shop. After that little scaring experience we went to KFC (or more commonly known as Kentucky Fried Chicken). After we ate our meals we drove quickly back to brush so I could catch a movie at the Sands
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