Most Effective Studying Skills

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Everyone has different study habits whether it is with note cards, writing things down, taking notes, highlighting, reading the book or just viewing the power points we all have different ways to study. The one thing that will help you the most is to understand what is going to help you the best with studying. Trying to figure that out can be a little difficult but don’t be afraid to try everything until you figure out what is the best way to help you study. In one of the videos I watched they had a formula that said preview, attend, review, study and asses. They called this the study cycle. I never really thought of studying this way but I feel that it would be the most effective. I think this is one of the most important things you can learn from watching these videos and reading the articles. In the first video I watched they said take to take notes and pay close attention to the lecture, then with in the same day go over the notes you have written and this will help you remember what you have learned and will help you’re study skills improve. This is another important lesson to take out of these videos. I think by really paying attention, writing notes, and going over them is going to help you stay more focused and interested in what you learning and that will help your studying go a lot more smoothly and effectively. Highlighting, re reading, summarization are just a few study techniques that aren’t very effective. As a read that in the article “Study Techniques that work and surprisingly don’t” I was kind of surprised that those techniques of studying aren’t very effective. Although, by studying that way I learned that words, phrases, and definitions all kind of came together as one and I became so confused. It almost felt like I barely even studied. They say the most effective ways of studying is by elaborative interrogation- uses why questions to
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