Most Appreciate Characteristics

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There are lots of people with different characteristics, and most of the time we choose our friends because of the special characteristics in them that we value the most. Sometimes we like the people because they have the same personality that we have and sometimes the opposite. For any individual person every characteristic has different meaning and definition. Between all of the character traits, I appreciate the people who have honesty and optimism, and I’m trying to find friends who have these two important values. The first characteristic that is very important for me is honesty, which nowadays can hardly be found in a few people. For me, honesty is very valuable, and I admire this personality because if somebody is honest, he/she never can hurt you, or if he/she hurts you, the pain cannot last forever. Honesty is when somebody tells you the truth even if it’s not the words that you want to hear .Most people are afraid to be honest, and they prefer lying because they think that they will lose their friend by saying the reality. I also think that they don’t know the way to say the truth, and they find that by honesty, they will seem rude. I had a honest teacher who helped me a lot by telling me about me weaknesses; therefore, I changed the way of my studying and I got better grades. Another example of honesty is my mother who is always very honest with everybody and tells her true opinion on everything. The next characteristic that I respect a lot in the people is optimism which makes them very unique and special. Optimistic people always think and see the good side of a problem and they try to solve it. They always have a hope to make things better in their lives which makes them so energetic and satisfied. These kinds of people have lots of friends because of their point of view through life, and they also have lots of accomplishments. I have
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