Monocots vs Eudicots

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Week 2 assignment 1. Name five specific structural characteristics that differentiate Eudicots from Monocots. 2. Describe the function of roots in plants. 3. Water and nutrients are transported by separate means within plants. Name and describe the models of how water and organic nutrients (sugars) are transported throughout the plant. 4. Name and describe the function of the five plant hormone groups discussed in your text. 5. Describe sexual and asexual reproduction in flowering plants. Be specific in regards to flowering plants. 1) Monocots are shorts for “Monocotyledons” which means plants whose embryo has one cotyledon; whereas, Eudicots (Eudicotyledons) carry embryo with 2 cotyledons. The cotyledons of eudicots supply nutrients for seedlings, but the cotyledons of monocots store some nutrients and act as a transfer tissue for nutrients stored elsewhere. Five key features are typically used to distinguish monocots from eudicots; a seed, arrangement of vascular tissue in roots, stems, and leaves, and number of flower parts. The seed has the reproductive structures that are protected from drying out, have male and female gametophytes which are reduced in size. In young dicot stems and stems (usually the upright, vertical portion of a plant transports substances to and the leaves) that do not increase in thickness, xylem and phloem are arranged in vascular bundles in the cortex. In older stems and all woody stems, the vascular tissues form a cylinder between the cortex and the pith. The vascular bundles in a monocot are scattered throughout the stem. In vascular plants, the dominant sporophyte has two kind of well-defined conducting tissues. Xylem is specialized to conduct water and dissolved minerals, and phloem is specialized to conduct organic nutrients and hormones. Certain vascular plants are seedless (ferns). They were very large and abundant

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