Modernizations or advancements in the spheres of science and technology are the achievements of entire humanity

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Modernizations or advancements in the spheres of science and technology are the achievements of entire humanity. All the communities, societies and ages contributed their parts in inching humanity towards current state of sophistication. Definitely science has provided us better means to live with. In short, the resultant achievements are the treasures of entire humankind, and demand to be shared equally. The societies which have achieved advancements, and especially in last quarter century in the spheres of information technology, food preservation technology, biotechnology, material sciences, health sciences, renewable energy, and urbanization are speedily changing not only their respective economies but also using their knowledge to do a better utilization of natural treasures of the entire universe. No denying to the fact that not tuning oneself to new frequencies, or not completely adhering to modern technologies means trekking railroad track on foot. We need to understand that we live in a science and technology poisoned global village, and nothing can serve for our deliverance unless we are equipped with matching repository. Although, we are greatly behind the clock, however strict sense of discipline, clear vision and complete adoption of available technology can help us back on right track. This is the tragedy of our society that at some places we are ignorant in relevance to latest technologies, and in certain areas we are reluctant to accept innovations. In all the departments of life, especially that directly influence basic human needs such as housing, food or education, warrants us to accept latest technologies without any further delay. Use of technology can do a lot good to our education. However, almost all the educational institutions managed by Government greatly lack technology. Not only the laboratories or libraries lack such

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