Modern Drama Essay

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2011 International Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics IPEDR vol.26 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore A study of structural characteristics in Modern Dramas of Harold Pinter’s Betrayal and Pirandello’s Six Characters in Search of an Author, with Reference to Dialogue, Time, and Context Saeed Yazdani1 and Azita Asgari2 1 2 Department of English, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran Department of Dramatic Literature, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Bushehr, Iran Abstract: Modernism as a period in the history of literature, thought, arts, and other disciplines have had great influence on drama too. It is a movement which aims at defying the established traditional conventions. It challenges conventional surface coherence and appearance of harmony in the literary works. It involves a literary structure that departs from conventionality and realism. Drama has not been an exception. Modern drama has taken a step beyond the well-made plays of the classics and other realistic dramas. This is clear in Pirandello’s Six Character in Search of an Author, and Pinter’s Betrayal. Both the dramatists have taken a step to defy the well-made play of their predecessors, including the realistic dramatists like Wilde and Ibsen. Although Ibsen has been considered as the pioneer of modern drama initiating a reversal in the form of the well-made plays, but Pirandello and Pinter have maintained the modernist tradition in their own special ways. Pirandello in Six Characters in Search of an Author, a modern tragicomedy, creates a modern structure with six characters that are different from the typical traditional and conventional characters. Pirandello’s plays are seen as forerunners for the Theatre of Absurd. Pinter too has established his own modern form of drama based on a reversal of traditional well-made play. Betrayal features his
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