Model Family Essay

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Myth of the Model family What is the model family? Is depended on your culture can be defined as simply as the appreciation of food, music also defined as learned behavior that are passed from our families. Family can be briefly describes as a unit of people that truly have an unconditional and undying love for each other. Without this, the family would not be possible. “The traditional vision of the nuclear family, dad, mom, a couple of kid maybe a dog, and spacious suburban house” (Hamony18). This is the dream of most American, the traditional family has existed for “little more two hundred years” (18), but can date back to a far four thousand years ago, to the Mesopotamia. Gary Soto in “Looking for Work” the perfect family mislead Soto into thinking what is truth and what if fiction. The idea of the “perfect ‘’ model family is so widely accepted, due to the attention that it receives in the media. “ this vision of the model family has harmonious association of parents and children united by love and trust has mesmerized popular culture in the United states”(19). The idea of two fathers or two mothers is a rare thing to see on a television show. Who has the authority in an American family is the male. He had absolute power in which “the law allowed him to use any of his dependents, including his wife, as collateral for loans or even to sell family members outright to pay his debts “(18). In Soto’s story he lives with his mom and no mention of a dad. Today there are families that have two fathers, or two mothers or only one of each and not the other. In Soto’s “looking for Work” the story is about a child of nine years old Mexican boy with a dream of “the perfect family” and his tries his best to turn his dream to reality. The child expectance of a family life filled with love and comforts like on television. He explained the way that he saw his
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