Mobile Operating Systems

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Mobile Operating Systems The purpose of this research paper is to provide a basic overview of a mobile operating system. Different issues arise when determining the most optimal mobile OS for a consumer. In terms of security issues, availability of apps, compatibility with other hardware, etc. It is vital to consider these fundamental aspects when choosing and investing in a particular MOS. Majority of the sophisticated MOS’s are developed specifically for smartphones, as opposed to other feature-rich phones. Feature- rich phones tend to use stripped down mobile version of a computer-oriented OS that fails to provide as many cutting-edge technology and functionality as the more advanced mobile operating systems do. iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Blackberry are four prime examples of state-of-the-art mobile computing. Breaking down and analysing these four mobile OSes will access the significance and impact on society. This paper discusses the significance of these mobile operating systems, as well as give a brief summary of the mobile OS’s that are popular worldwide. Both advantages and disadvantages are analyzed within each MOS and given comprehension as to which mobile OS best caters to a user’s or corporate desires. By evaluating the smartphone market and comparing and contrasting each mobile OS, it will be determined which one(s) sports the best features, customization and usability. Let’s begin by first defining Mobile operating system (MOS): A mobile operating system, also known as a mobile OS or a handheld operating system, is the operating system that controls a mobile device. “Similar in principle to an operating system such as Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux distributions that controls a desktop computer or laptop. However, they are currently somewhat simpler, and deal more with the wireless versions of broadband and local connectivity, mobile
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