Mixed Method Research - Chapter 25

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When research is combined with both quantitative and qualitative methods within one project, it’s referred to as a mixed method research. This is known as the multi-method research and there are arguments against mixed research methods. The arguments that are against the mixed research methods are based on the following two arguments which can either occur alone or simultaneously 1) carry epistemological commitments 2) separate paradigms. Researchers perceive that mixed methods are not a necessary or reasonable type of method to collect information regarding a project. It’s also regarded as paradigms while epistemological assumptions, values, and methods are enlaced and not compatible between paradigms (Bryman & Bell, 2011). The Paradigm argument rests on contentions about the interconnection of the method that can be established. There are two versions that can be used to determine if it can or cannot be combined when debating mixed methods 1) Epistemological version or 2) Technical version (Bryman & Bell, 2011). The mixed method research can be approached in several different ways. Triangulation suggests that one strategy is used to cross check the results of another strategy. Both Qualitative and Quantitative research can be used as a tool guide for each other. For instance, by providing a theory and abetting measurement qualitative research is a guide for quantitative research. And Quantitative research guides qualitative research through the selection of interview subjects, this is the main way that this can be accomplished and the other way is when one research method can be used to help “fill in the gaps” where the other research method is lacking (Bryman & Bell, 2011). Mixed method research can also assist in solving a puzzle where an outcome is not simply projected. Mixed methods can also be useful when researchers are having difficulty with issues and
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