Minoan Art Essay

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We are able to know so much about the Minoan culture because of the preserved art archaeologists have found. The earliest evidence of the Greek culture comes from the Minoans. Artifacts such as paintings, pottery, metal work and sculptures are some contributions. Since wood and textiles decompose, the best preserved artifacts to this day are pottery, frescoes and stone carvings (Kane, 2007). The art of the Minoans was very distinctive in style and subject matter. They created their own artistic style and/were influenced by other cultures. For example it showed influences from the Egyptians because of drawings found of humans in their profile. The most common subjects of Minoan art were vivid images of nature and images of court and religious life (Hodge, 1998). Many of the Minoan palaces were decorated with large frescoes, or murals. Most were painted in one bright, vivid color. These paintings greatly showed influences from the Egyptian culture and other Mediterranean cultures. While the Egyptians used a “dry-fresco” technique, the Minoans used a “wet” painting method (Sheldon, 2009). This type of method helped characterize the Minoan art and helped them paint images of life and nature. The paints they used were generally made from natural ingredients, except for the color blue (Mulder, 2010). Minoan pottery was just as bright and colorful as their paintings. Early Minoan pottery was characterized by patterns such as spirals, triangles, curved lines and crosses. Later, more naturalistic designs such as fish, squid, birds and lilies were more common. Many abstract designs and geometric shapes were shown. Some popular styles of pottery were the floral, marine, and palace styles. Pottery was first made to be used for tasks such as cooking, but later became more significant as knowledge of building and decorating increased (Stokstad, 2001). Metal work was

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