Millenium Development Goals

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Millennium Development Goals COMPARITIVE GEOPOLITICAL SYSTEM (INTL 403 102) PROFESSOR : Mr. PATRICK J ELLWOOD Arguments against Millennium Development Goals 1) Improper Measurement - Some of the targets are impossible to measure the progress level as it is difficult to attain reliable and adequate data for its indicators. For example, the basic life indicators which are death rates and birth rates are not registered in poor nations. The absence of accurate measures of past and current statistics leads to difficulty in determining progress. (1) 2) No Involvement - According to Chronic Poverty Report 2008, there are 443 million people are not part of MDG’s. Also the progress in fragile countries almost slow or negligible. It is because these countries are wrecked by violence and conflicts, fraught by weak institutional ability. These countries comprises for majority of MDG’s deficit. (2) 3) Dreams Goals - According to government and experts, targets such as cutting down poverty and hunger level by half, halting the broadening of AIDS, empowerment of women gives the impression of being unrealistic or over ambitious which makes it inability to achieve them. In other words, the progress of several indicators of MDG’s has slowed down as it has failed to develop in situations like global financial crises, natural calamities such as droughts, floods leading to food shortages, unemployment, degradation of natural resources. (3) 4) Missing Edge - Millennium Development goals (MDG’s) concentrate on specific eight goals. It fails to consider various aspects, which are required for social and economic growth of a nation. For instance, MDG 5 i.e. improves maternal health aims to achieve improve maternal health but fails to focus on improving women’s physical security i.e. decreasing level of violent behaviour against woman and female genital
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