Military Transformation Essay

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MILITARY TRANSFORMATION MILITARY TRANSFORMATION Outline Narrow Topic: There has been several changes that have taken place with the change in time and era. This is the era of information technology and advancements have to made in this line so as to make millitarry forces perform much better. The United States of America could not fight how it did in World War I how it does today in Afghanistan. Thesis: Transformation or change is necessary in every organization and that includes the army. After the cold war, the threat and enemies that the U.S faced changed thus the need for change. The experiences that army personnel undergo in a war is bound to change their way of thinking on certain aspects be it weaponry, training or organization structure. I. Introduction/Overview A. Definition of military transformation B. Examples of recent military transformations II. Reasons for transformation A. Bush administration B. New government in power III. Transformations A. Documents B. Wars IV. Examples of transformations A. Technology B. Numbers V. Conclusion A. Change is inevitable B. Technology Abstract Military transformation is the process that shapes the changing nature of the military competition and cooperation through new combinations of concepts, capabilities, people, and organizations that exploit the nation’s advantages and protect against asymmetric vulnerabilities to sustain strategic position, which helps underpin peace and stability in the world (Schoomaker, 2004). There has been several changes that have taken place with the change in time and era. This is the era of information technology and advancements have to made in this line so as to make millitarry forces perform much better. The United States of America could not fight how it did in World War I how it does today in Afghanistan.
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