Military Technology Essay

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Military technology Name: Course: Instructor: Institution: Date of Submission: How Military Technology Influences International Relations and Politics All nations on earth need to protect themselves from external and internal attack. As a result, there is need to invest on military equipment so as to always to be ready to protect themselves and also avoid attack from other countries. Hence all countries have military equipments at their disposal. With the changes in technology, military equipments have been advancing over the years, this has resulted in construction of various complex military equipments and weapons including nuclear weapons, atomic bombs and other chemical bombs beyond human thinking. This gives countries which posses such weapons advantage over others as they are more superior. The type of weapons a country has dictates its say on other countries (Albright & Woodward, 2006). The more a country has complex weapons the superior it becomes over others. Just as in the animal kingdom, the lion due to its superior roar and strength is termed as the king of the jungle; it has won its position due to its agility in battle hence superior. The same applies to countries as they are ranked according to their military power and this leads to the formation of the economic capabilities. Many countries in the present world have increased the military capabilities as well as developing their military technology so as to conform to the superpowers; this has lead to various uprising as other nation view this as preparation of battle. A while back, Iraq was invaded by the US due to this very reason. It refused to surrender its nuclear plants and weapons hence was seen as a worry to the western countries leading to the war on terror by the western countries. This event involving Iraq caused tension in the world as the Arab countries and other
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