Military Police Essay

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The United States Military Police Corps has a long and remarkable history. Its history can be traced all the way back to the Revolutionary War and forward to present day. During that time the MP mandate has varied drastically. Initially, the tasks were only protecting the rear, policing army camps, and guarding prisoners. Today, they still perform the aforementioned duties along with full combat support elements. The MP corps is an ever changing corps. In times of peace, they continue to be in harm’s way. To assist, protect and defend at all times during peace and war is what the Military Police Corps is all about. The military police corps first started during the revolutionary war by General George Washington. The Military police corps was first called, the marechaussee corps, a name borrowed from a French term for provost troops (1). Their primary mission was to perform police functions in camp and in the field. They were also left in the rear on guard in case the enemy was to attack from the rear. Also, while in the rear, they watched out for stragglers and prevented desertions. Reflecting the units special requirements for speed and equipment the corps was mounted and accoutered as light dragoons. The Marechausse Corps was disbanded in 1783 after the Revolution was over. No other formal military police units were used until the Civil War. The Civil War created a need for military police units within the army. In 1861 General Irvin McDowell, due to widespread looting in the ranks, assigned commanders to police the camps. Their orders were to protect property from destruction and arrest all wrong-doers. General McDowell ordered, “All wrong-doers of whatever regiment or corps will be reported to headquarters, and the least that will be done to them will be to send them to the Alexandria jail.” (2). What that order meant was that

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