Michael Dell Vs Andy Grove

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Identify Each Business Professional and Describe Their Contributions Michael Dell is the founder and CEO of Dell’s Corporation. He was 12 years of age when he discovered his first product. This product was a catalog called the Dell’s Stamp, and was advertised in a local trade journal. Michael Dell decided to go to college. He spent most of his time in his dorm working on personal computers. Months later, he made his dorm out of a computer lab. During this time, he began to sell computers. He decided to open his own business at the age of 27. His business was registered as Dell Computer Corporation. His professional and contribution to this field is to satisfy customers need. Satisfaction to the customers was very important to Michael because of possibility economic downturn. If there were a downturn, he wants to hear from customers, and perhaps to identify what changes need to be made for the customers and the organization. Andy Grove was Intel’s Co-founder and former CEO. His contribution to the business was strategic. This contribution was to semiconductor, technology computer industry, and a profession as an entrepreneur in leadership. Andy Grove belief was to submit bricks or clicks a business, which was a point of choice as a strategic plan, and depends on the embrace of these two elements. He knew that either one would be a competition or an organized strategy. The Resistance Each Encountered Presenting and Furthering (Research/Ideas/Programs) Michael Dell resistance was to focus on his customers and sell custom built computers. He chosen this strategy is to stop the middleman. He established a technical support system, and a service program. According to the text “What the Best CEO’s Know, Andy Grove encountered with the business by using strategic inflection points. These points can strengthen the organization. The SIP can be used

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